Pre-Weekend Checklist
To confirm your participation in Hunsaker Scholarship Weekend, you should complete the RSVP form in your emailed invitation. Your registration confirmation will include a permission form that must be completed by a parent/guardian.
RSVP deadline: Friday, February 28th, 2025
Permission form deadline: Tuesday, March 4th, 2025
If you will be flying or taking a train/bus to campus:
After receiving your RSVP and permission form, Elaine Talamaivao, Coordinator of Hunsaker Scholarship Weekend, will purchase a ticket on your behalf. She will confirm travel plans with you before booking any tickets.
Flights will arrive throughout the day on Friday, March 14th, 2025 and transportation will be provided to and from the University.
Returning flights will be scheduled for Sunday, March 16th, 2025.
If you will be driving to campus:
Please plan to arrive to campus no later than 4:00 p.m. (PST) on Friday, March 14th, 2025. Check in will be located at the Willis Center (Admissions Office).
Formal weekend events conclude on Saturday, March 15th, 2025 by 8:00 p.m., after which you are welcome to return home.
Hunsaker FAQs
1. Why was I nominated?
Hunsaker nominees were selected for their leadership, innovation, commitment to community, difference maker abilities, and strong academic performance through various processes. Nominations were provided by high school counselors, community members, and/or our admissions team.
2. How many finalists are there?
A group of approximately 60 finalists have been invited to interview for the scholarship, with 35–40 expected to participate in the weekend.
3. How many scholars are in a cohort?
We hope to enroll 10-12 Scholars at Redlands each year.
4. Do I need to commit to enrolling at Redlands prior to the weekend?
No. We know you are still weighing decisions regarding your college enrollment; participation in the weekend does not obligate you to attend the University. We ask all students to inform us of their admission decision by the National Candidate Reply Date—May 1st.
5. What other benefits do scholars receive?
During their time at Redlands, Hunsaker Scholars will engage in leadership and professional development opportunities. Hunsaker Scholars will receive continuous, hands-on support from the Office of Career & Professional Development (OCPD) with the goal of attaining an internship by the end of their sophomore year or the start of their junior year.
OCPD staff will work with Scholars to establish and follow a Success Roadmap which will require Scholars to: Confirm a career field of interest, build a list of companies and prospective internships, compose resumes and cover letters, create professional profiles such as LinkedIn, build a professional network, and apply to multiple prospective internships.
6. Do I need to provide any additional information to be considered for the Hunsaker Scholarship Prize?
Finalists do not need to update their application or provide any additional academic information to the Scholarship Selection committee.
However, US citizens/permanent residents/aid-qualifying students must submit a FAFSA to the University of Redlands by March 2nd, if they intend to apply for need-based financial aid. International citizens or non-US-aid-qualifying nominees are required to submit a Certification of Finances or other documentation prior to the Hunsaker Scholarship Weekend. US citizens not planning to apply for need-based aid do not need to provide any financial documents.
7. What is the attire for the weekend?
Certain events during the weekend will be business/business-casual attire. More specific details will be shared leading up to the weekend.
8. What do I bring?
Excitement and enthusiasm! We will provide a suggested list of things to bring with you closer to the weekend, but none of those items will require preparation or significant work on your part.
You will be staying at a local hotel and sharing a room with another Hunsaker nominee.
9. How do I reserve my spot for the weekend?
You should have received an email invitation to the weekend, which includes an RSVP link. When RSVP’ing you’ll indicate your travel needs and other initial information to start planning for the weekend. You will receive a permission form in your emailed RSVP confirmation that must be completed and signed by a parent/guardian.
RSVPs are due by Friday, February 28th, 2025 and permission forms must be received shortly thereafter. We will not make any travel arrangements on your behalf until this permission form is received.
1. What does the all-expenses-paid trip to campus mean?
University of Redlands will pay for all flights and associated costs to attend the scholarship weekend. A round-trip plane ticket will be purchased on your behalf in late March. Hunsaker finalists will be met at the airport; shuttles will be provided to and from campus on Friday and Sunday. In most cases, students will arrive and depart from the Ontario (ONT) or Palm Springs (PSP) airports.
For those living within driving distance to campus, your mileage will be reimbursed for your round trip visit to campus. Bus or train transportation may also be provided as an option to Redlands.
2. What are the overnight accommodations for the weekend?
All student finalists will be asked to stay Friday night, March 14th, 2025. If you are flying home on Sunday, March 16th, you will be hosted Saturday night, March 15th, as well. If you live locally or driving home, you are also welcome to stay Saturday night. You will be staying at a local hotel and sharing a room with another Hunsaker nominee.
Redlands will arrange for 1–2-night accommodations based on your travel schedule. International finalists who may need additional nights because of unique travel schedules will have additional nights available.
3. What if I live locally - will I stay at the hotel?
Yes. We ask all finalists to stay at the hotel on Friday, March 14th. Students driving home may choose to stay Saturday night as well.
4. How will my plane ticket be purchased?
Once you have RSVP’d for the Hunsaker Scholarship Weekend and returned your permission form, we will purchase a plane ticket on your behalf. We will be in touch prior to making any reservations to confirm your information and travel needs. If family members are traveling with you and you wish to coordinate their travel with yours, please contact Elaine Talamaivao to discuss options.
Please note: Redlands will only cover the cost of a plane ticket for finalists.
5. Which airport will I use when flying to campus?
Most often we will book your flight into Ontario International (ONT) or Palm Springs International (PSP) airports; Los Angeles International (LAX) is used on occasion.
6. How will I get to/from the airport?
Redlands staff will meet you at the airport and provide transportation to campus upon your arrival. We will also provide transportation back to the airport on Sunday, March 16th. If you are traveling with family members and wish to arrange your own transportation once you arrive in Southern California, please communicate this with Elaine Talamaivao.
7. What if I live locally but need transportation?
If you do not need a flight to campus, but do not have access to a vehicle we will coordinate the purchase of a bus, train, or rideshare fare. Please indicate this need when RSVP’ing for the weekend.
8. Can I park on campus if I'm driving?
Yes. If you are driving to campus, you will be able to park on campus for free. We ask you not to use your vehicle until you depart on Saturday or Sunday.
We will pay for your mileage to and from your home; a reimbursement check will be provided following the weekend. If you have questions about flying vs driving to campus, please contact Elaine Talamaivao.
1. Who will conduct the interviews?
Your interview will be conducted by one of three interview teams. Each interview team consists of a mix of Redlands faculty, staff, and alumni.
2. When will I know my interview time?
We will provide your interview time upon arrival on Friday, March 14th.
3. What other activities will be on campus during the weekend?
In addition to Admitted Students’ Day, there will be other campus events for you to participate in during your visit to Redlands. We will have a schedule of opportunities in your welcome packet.
4. Do I need to register for Admitted Students' Day on Saturday, March 15th?
No. We will automatically register you for our Admitted Students’ Day. If you have already registered there’s no need to cancel your original registration.
5. I'd already planned to attend Admitted Students' Day on April 5th; do I still need to attend Hunsaker Weekend?
Yes. Hunsaker Scholarship Interviews will only be available March 15th. You are expected to participate on that day. If you were planning to attend April ASD, you are still welcome to attend that event; each year we have a few students who attend both events.
6. I have a schedule conflict with the weekend – can I do my interview at another time or virtually?
Interviews for the Hunsaker Scholarship Prize will only be available on Saturday, March 15th. You are expected to participate in person unless you have a COVID-19-related restriction on your ability to travel. Please contact Elaine Talamaivao with any questions.
1. What is the amount of the scholarship award?
The Hunsaker Scholarship Prize meets your full financial need, as determined by the FAFSA or other financial aid application/documentation.
If you are not applying for need-based financial aid or your financial need has already been met, you will receive a renewable $7,000 scholarship. The Hunsaker Scholarship is renewable for all four years at Redlands assuming you are enrolled full-time and meet other eligibility requirements.
2. Are there any other scholarships available for finalists?
Finalists who interview but are not offered the Hunsaker Scholarship Prize will receive a renewable $2,000 Distinguished Leader Scholarship. Each year four to six Distinguished Leaders have enrolled at the University of Redlands after attending the Hunsaker Scholarship Weekend.
3. When will I find out if I received the Scholarship?
Scholarship decisions and updated financial aid offers will be available by Monday, March 24th, 2025.